7 Ways to Stay Safe Around Automatic Garage Doors | EGD Blog

7 Ways to Stay Safe Around Automatic Garage Doors

remote control garage door opener

Closing an automatic garage door may seem like an easy task and one that we take for granted. However, like with any machines, if we’re not careful we can cause ourselves and our property damage. It was only last summer that a Cambridgeshire woman was crushed in the roller mechanism of an automatic garage door after misusing it. Accidents such as these can be avoided with a few simple steps, and that’s why we’ve put together the following guide, describing 7 easy ways to stay safe around automatic garage doors.

Read the Manual

The best way to become familiar with your garage door and how it operates is to read the manual. Whilst it’s not Dickens, it’s an important document to read at least once. The manual should be able to tell you essential information, such as the key safety features e.g. the emergency release.

Keep Out of Reach of Children

kids playing on driveway in front of garage door

Kids are known for being excitable, and often like to run around outside and play. However, it’s never safe for a child to go near a garage door, or be allowed to play with the remotes that operate it. If this is becoming an issue in your home, consider having a chat with your child about the dangers of playing near garage doors and always check twice before you open yours.

Inspect Your Garage Door Regularly

The best way to detect any developing problems with your door is to regularly check over it, making sure it’s as healthy and well-operational as it should be. Look for any signs of wear and tear. If your garage experiences any damage, for example, if it was backed into by a vehicle, then it should be checked over by a professional as the damage may be not be immediately apparent to an untrained eye. Never try and fix problems yourself, and always get a specialist company to carry out the repairs and maintenance. Due to the high tension springs and cables present in the mechanism, attempting the repair work yourself could result in injury.

Check Reversing Ability

An essential feature of an automatic garage door is its reversing ability, which ensures that if the door hits an obstruction, it will reverse its path and return back upwards. To test this, place a brick or similar below the garage door to make sure it performs this movement, repeating this test at least once a month.

Stay Away From Moving Doors

Don’t attempt any Indiana Jones close shaves by running under a garage door as it’s closing. Stand well clear any time a door is either opening and closing, encouraging anyone else around you to do the same, including pets and children. Don’t touch or hang onto a door as it’s moving either; this is how last year’s fatality occurred.

Deactivate Your Opener When You Go Away

garage security

For both safety and security reasons, it’s important to deactivate your garage door opener whilst away on holiday, preventing any unwanted access during your time away.

Always Shut the Door Fully

Try not to leave your garage door partially open. If it is reactivated, it will complete its closure, leaving very little time for escape if something happens to be underneath at the time. Not only this, but it’s wise to close the door completely to prevent would-be criminals from taking the opportunity to explore your garage.


Here at Eastern Garage Doors, we’ve got your safety in mind. We offer comprehensive garage door servicing, repair and maintenance services, in addition to installing a huge range of manual and automatic garage doors available in a range of styles. Our specialists cater for the entire East of England. If you have a question about your garage door, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly advisers today.

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